1st members meeting 2016
18 Jan 2016 by Club President
Hi all
For those interested in coming along to the first members meeting at Kelly’s Bch Resort from 7pm Wed 20th.
Previous minutes read
*Business arising from minutes
*New business
*Financial Report
I have listed some items that have come from business arising or new business.
1. Trailer to be checked over and whether more score/tally sheets are required + generator run
2. Online member registration process + printed copies
3. Removal of sponsors names and blue oval from correspondence
4. Update of sponsors on Teamapp + fb
5. Constitution – revisited + new shark policy from SQ
6. Advertising for new members, radio, TV, online etc for Sign On day Sun 31st Jan.
7. Confirm 2016 comp dates
8. Discussion on meeting venue/presentation night – other possibilities
9. Coach recertification – SRC competencies
10. Vacant secretary position
Please come and support YOUR club and have YOUR say! Sign up to maybe win a new wetty!